Atlanta Myofascial Release Center



What is MFR

John F. Barnes Approach Myofascial Release (MFR) is a full-body, hands on, very specialized manual therapy that releases the fascial system- a three dimensional web that connects and surrounds every muscle, organ, cell, and system in your body.

MFR helps to remove the straight-jacket effect from your body by releasing restricted fascia.  Treatment is based on taking a look at and treating your entire body, helping to restore balance.  By releasing the fascial restrictions throughout your body, MFR will decrease the crushing force, therefore decreasing pain and increasing function, blood flow, nutrition, and overall health- down to the cellular level.  The goal at Atlanta MFR Center is to help you return to function and activity! Please visit John Barnes’ website for more information about JFB-MFR, including articles.

Please be sure to specify the following: If this is an initial consultation (90 minutes)  or  If this is a regular session, please specify how long you would like your session to be. When booking an appointment, if you do not receive an email confirmation within a few minutes, then please call.

Celia McDermott

John F. Barnes Approach trained Myofascial Release Therapist

 Celia has extensive experience with all ages, including people with special needs. She has been in clinical practice since 1998, including children’s rehab, neurological rehab, orthopedic clinics, and private practice. Although adept at many rehab techniques, her passion and specialty is John Barnes’ Approach Myofascial Release.

Atlanta MFR Covid Update 

We are living in different times, and with that comes different sets of standards and responsibilities. At Atlanta MFR, I take the safety and health of our clients seriously.

In our office, for your safety and wellbeing, as well as the safety and wellbeing of our therapists and families, we have instituted the following to ensure your wellbeing and peace of mind:

  • We have been fully vaccinated and are getting tested regularly.
  • We require all clients to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19 and past the two week period.
  • Requiring everyone to wear masks properly over their nose and mouth cuts down on droplets getting into the air. I will wear a fresh mask for each session.
  • Disinfecting each treatment room with an EPA approved Medical Grade disinfectant on all surfaces: massage table, face cradle, chair, light switches, door knobs, and bathroom.
  • As I have always done, fresh linens between clients as well as the strict hygienic practices I followed between clients anyways: washing hands, arms, elbows completely between clients, and before and after sessions.
  • If you have been exposed to someone who has Covid-19, please cancel your appointment and follow the CDC guidelines for quarantine.  There will be no penalty charge for cancelation.



900 Old Roswell Lakes Pkwy
Suite 320
Roswell, GA 30076



  • Tues: 11-5
  • Wed: 11-5
  • Thurs: 11-5
  • Fri: 11-5

These hours are flexible-  will try and accommodate you if possible.

Be sure to schedule a 90 minute appointment for your first visit


(770) 653-1358

To ensure a quicker response, please text or email me to book an appointment or with any questions.

What is Fascia?

Fascia is the tough, connective tissue system that creates a three-dimensional web  extending without interruption from head to toe. Fascia surrounds and infuses every muscle, bone, nerve, blood vessel and organ in the body, all the way down to the cellular level.

The fascial system can affect every system and function in the body- muscular, cellular, neurological, metabolic, etc. The impact of unhealthy fascia on your body is profound!

Fascia is composed of an Elasto-collagenous complex which has three parts:

  1. Elastin– The most elastic part of the complex, very stretchable.
  2. Collagen– These fibers are extremely tough and give support to the structure. They coil around the elastic fibers in a relaxed, wavy configuration.
  3. Ground Substance/Matrix– A gelatinous-like component that transports metabolic material through the body and also acts like a cushion.

When the fascial system is healthy and functioning well, its acts as the primary support system of the body, stabilizing  and cushioning muscles, bones, organs, and all other systems within it. Healthy fascia is a beautiful, moving system, and creates space through which delicate nerves, blood vessels and fluids pass.

When fascia is restricted through trauma, repetitive motions, poor posture, repetitive positions, scar tissue, and/or the inflammatory process, this flowing, powerful system can become solidified. Think of taffy hardening.  Fascia will thicken or reinforce in these areas of stress and, in turn,shorten the connective tissue, causing a fascial restriction.

Fascial restrictions have the capability of putting 2,000 pounds of pressure per square inch in a restricted area. That pressure can compromise any system in the body,causing pain and dysfunction.

Call  (770) 653-1358 for an appointment.

Be sure to request a 90 minute session for your first visit. 

Break the Cycle of Pain!

Common Questions

How do I know if I have fascial restrictions?

This is actually very simple to figure out. If you are feeling tight, compressed, or restricted, then you have fascial restrictions. That constant or intermittent back or neck pain, that too-often headache, that hip that just never feels right, that “pulled muscle” that’s always coming back… Too often we get used to little (or big) aches and pains, thinking they’re just part of aging,or normal wear and tear. They are not, and you don’t have to live in pain.

How is MFR different from massage or other therapies?

Think of 2000 pounds of pressure per square inch- that’s the pressure that restricted fascia has on your body.  With traditional therapy, you may feel better for awhile, but because the collagen layer of the fascial system hasn’t been addressed, the fascia hasn’t been affected at all.

MFR provides long, slow, deep  releases.  You may feel a burning or tingling sensation as this straight-jacket finally lets go.  The tissue will usually continue to release for a few days after each session.  You will also receive some specific self treatment exercises to do at home to help these releases to continue.

How many sessions will it take?

This is different for each person, and depends totally on the severity of your symptoms. After the initial visit, we’ll have a better idea of how to progress. Typically at least a few sessions are required, but again, every person’s situation is different.

What disorders can MFR treat?

This list includes, but is not limited to:

  • back/neck pain
  • torticollis
  • fibromyalgia
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • neurological conditions
  • orthopedic conditions
  • multiple sclerosis
  • chronic headaches/ migraines
  • pelvic pain
  • jaw pain (TMJD)
  • disc problems
  • myofascial pain syndrome
  • carpal tunnel
  • adhesions/ scars
  • scoliosis
  • post- cancer related pain
  • sciatica
Can MFR help with athletic performance?

Absolutely. Postural imbalances can tremendously affect athletic performance, and can eventually cause an injury. Think about running with an uneven pelvis, or swinging a golf club or tennis racquet with a restricted shoulder. You end up working a lot harder to compensate for the restrictions, and alternate musculature is recuited to overcome the deficiencies created by the original restrictions. Over time, the alternate areas become tighter and more injury-prone, creating yet another set of problems with another set of restrictions… not helping at all with your game. MFR helps to release these restrictions, helps to correct posture, and helps to develop physical awareness, thus improving your perfomance.

Is this covered by insurance?

Possibly, but this is up to you to research.  In order to keep our rates low and provide excellent patient care, we do not have contracts with insurance companies.   Atlanta MFR Center, LLC, is considered an out-of-network provider, with services provided by a Licensed Massage Therapist.  Please check with your insurance company before booking a session.  We can provide you with a paper receipt so that you can submit a claim.

Please call (770)653-1358 for more information. 

What are your rates?
  • 1 hour: $150
  • 90 minutes: $215
  • 120 minutes: $285

These are flat rates. No tipping please.

What should I expect on my first visit?


Please bring or wear gym shorts and sports bra (if indicated), or bathing suit or underwear if you are comfortable that way.  (If wearing a bra or swimsuit top, please be sure that opens in the back.)We will need to see what’s going on.

Please arrive 15 minutes ahead of time to fill out the patient history form, and for discussion and initial assessment.

Please be very well-hydrated.  During treatment, you will benefit from the intake of 12-16   eight oz glasses of water per day.

Please no lotions or perfumes.  Lotions make it difficult to obtain long, slow releases essential to reaching that collagen layer, and perfumes may trigger allergic reactions in other patients.

My Experience

Celia began her career as a Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant, and after discovering the benefits of JFB-MFR, enrolled in massage school to be able to obtain her LMT, open her own practice and bring JFB-MFR to all ages in the Metro Atlanta area. She has been very fortunate in being able to train extensively with Mr. Barnes, and to assist him with his seminars. After several years of assisting John Barnes with seminars, Celia has been honored to be a presenter/teacher of the MFR 1 seminars throughout the United States since 2018. She is a lifelong learner, is passionate about helping people, and is always looking for ways to assist her clients.

MFR Seminar Experience:


  • Full Instructor for MFR I
  • MFR I, MFR II, MFR III, Rebounding, Unwinding, Skills Enhancement, Advanced Unwinding, Cervical-Thoracic, Fascial-Pelvis, Pediatrics, Women’s Health, Quantum Leap, Healing Seminar, Subtle Energy, Fascial Cranium, Full Assistant Instructor
  • Metro Atlanta JFB- MFR Study Group leader (2012-2019).
  •  Rehab professional since 1998
  •  GA State licensed LPTA and LMT (MT000165)


Celia is a natural healer!

“Celia is a natural healer! When I met Celia a few years ago I had terrible posture, limited mobility in my hips, little flexibility and I often felt sluggish. Celia knows MFR. She was trained by the founder of MFR and she continually educates herself and also teaches other therapists.

My life is so much healthier having Celia work on me. When I first met Celia, I had been seeing a physical therapist for plantar fasciitis in my right foot. It was painful, I could hardly walk…, and it was a constant nuisance. My doctor said my next course of action would be injections to my foot. I didn’t want to go that route and I found something better. I went to Celia and I was healed in 2 sessions. Since then I’ve been running and exercising with absolutely no problem. My posture is better, my digestive system is great, I never have headaches or neck pain. She can even fix issues like incontinence and she also helps relieve fascia tightness during pregnancy. I am 23 weeks pregnant and I go to Celia almost weekly. I have no pain in my back, sides or sciatica like others seem to complain about. Are you in pain or uncomfortable in your posture or have a chronic condition that Meds won’t help? She is well worth it!” -P.W.

Gentle, warm, compassionate and wis

“Celia is a true and gifted healer – gentle, warm, compassionate and wise – who creates a quiet, safe environment. Her professionalism, integrity and respectfulness are beyond reproach. She “knows” the body, combining a comprehensive knowledge of MFR technique with an intuitive application, tailored to your needs at the moment. I highly recommend Celia to help you help your body to correct itself.” L.L.

We were amazed in the improvement

“I wanted to let you know how much we appreciate all of the time and work with our daughter. We were somewhat skeptical at first, however we were amazed in the improvement of our torticollis symptoms. We had to work with Physical Therapists for months with little improvement. We were at the point of seeing a surgeon to consider surgery and tried MFR as a last resort… I never would have believed it had I not seen it myself. My daughter’s torticollis improved with each visit. I was impressed with how well you worked with our daughter. Your knowledge of the body and spirit, as well as your gentle touch and fun nature worked wonders. Our daughter, who was seven months old at the time, was always so comfortable, and never even noticed that you were working with her. Today, she is a typical toddler,and shows no symptoms. We appreciate all you have done for our family.” – Laura M.

As a doctorate student in Natural Health, I would recommend

“As a doctorate student in Natural Health, I would recommend one to seek the help of Celia McDermott for assists in healing for the mind, body, and spirit.” – P. Smith

Celia's MFR sessions worked wonders!

“I began weekly sessions with Celia after suffering terrible back pain with recurrent spasms. Celia’s MFR sessions worked wonders! Within a few weeks, the spasms stopped, the pain diminished, and I was back at the gym able to work on strengthening the back and abdominals.” -Patti Z.

You truly have a gift for healing

“I can’t begin to thank you enough for helping my body heal and recover during the “tissue expansion” procedure I went through. I had no idea what MFR was or if it would help even do anything since the majority of my body was numb from surgery. However, little did I know! I will never forget that moment: it felt like the muscles in my back just started unwinding… the relief was so overwhelming… not only that, but I didn’t have to take any more pain meds! And then you did it again after I did the 3-Day Breast Cancer Walk. You truly have a gift for healing, and I can’t thank you enough!” -Becky I.

Her "healing hands" worked wonders in alleviating the pain

“Having known Celia for several years through our church, it was natural that I would seek her help when I started experiencing painful symptoms that several doctors could not diagnose. Her “healing hands” worked wonders in alleviating the pain, and gave me an overall relieved feeling while working the mysterious ailment out of my system. I would recommend her to all ages, no matter what the problem.”- Donnie Henriques, business owner and Mayor of Woodstock, GA


900 Old Roswell Lakes Pkwy
Suite 320
Roswell, GA 30076



  • Tues: 10-6
  • Wed: 10-6
  • Thurs: 10-6
  • Fri: 10-6
  • Sat: 10-2

These hours are flexible-  will try and accommodate you if possible.

Be sure to schedule a 90 minute appointment for your first visit


(770) 653-1358

To ensure a quicker response, please text or email me to book an appointment or with any questions.